
LinkedIn Invitations: To Accept or Not to Accept?

“Do I accept this LinkedIn invitation?” As a recruiter and career strategist, it’s a question I hear all of the time. Should I accept an invite from that person who has been following me on Twitter? Or the person I regularly bump into at the gym? What about my boss’ … Continue reading

Job Interviews: The Dos and Don’ts of Body Language

You’ve got great skills and experience, an awesome resume, and even references to prove it, but will your body language betray you in an interview? Whether it’s the inability to make eye contact, a limp handshake, or slouchy, sloppy posture, body language speaks so much louder than words and can … Continue reading

Why Hire a Search Firm? How Search Firms Take Recruiting to a “Hire” Level

Regardless of whether you are looking to fill one specific role or seeking to hire hundreds, the recruiting process is an important step toward growing your organization’s reputation, revenue and clout. From marketing and sales divisions to operations and general management, every department needs capable leaders who possess the: Skills … Continue reading


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