You’ve Been Laid Off: Now What?!?

I was inspired to write this blog post after receiving two calls recently — both from highly accomplished and successful technical managers who suddenly found themselves laid off. Understandably, both of these individuals are having a little bit of trouble absorbing the shock. After 10 plus years of dedication and significant accomplishments with their respective companies, how could this happen to them?!?

Fired, downsized, laid off, your company went bust — whatever the reason, losing your job can make you feel lousy. It’s a blow to the ego and it can crush your confidence. Even when part of a mass layoff, it’s hard not to take losing your job personally and emotionally. Feelings of grief, fear, panic, and frustration are completely natural.

We all spend so much time at work — according to Psychology Today, an average of 90,000 over a lifetime — that quite often, we spend more time with our work colleagues than with our family.  While losing your job is not the end of the world, it can have a strong psychological impact. It can make you feel as though you are stepping into the Twilight Zone.

The good news is that despite the stress of job loss and unemployment, there are many things you can do to take control of the situation and remain positive. If you have recently been laid off, consider the following advice:

  1. Remember, you are not alone! Everyone at some point in his or her life will suffer from loss. Whether it is a job loss, a death of a family member or friend, the passing of a beloved pet, the loss of financial security or a missed promotion, at some point we will all experience what it’s like to not reach an important goal.
  2. Face your feelings. Grief is a natural part of the healing process. Before jumping straight into a job search, allow yourself a little time to deal with the emotional loss of your career. Take a few days off if you need to in order to calm yourself down and deal with your emotions.
  3. Don’t overthink it. Unemployment is a part of every market economy. The sooner you can accept your reality, the sooner you can move on. In an interview with The Washington Post, Robert Leahy, Ph.D., clinical professor of psychology and author of The Worry Cure, says, “A lot of people think that rumination will help you solve the problem or will help you find closure … The disadvantage is that it makes you depressed and it makes you withdraw from people.”
  4. Build a support team. There’s no reason to go it alone. Reach out to the friends, family members, and mentors who you know have your best interests at heart. Tell them how you feel, as we as what you need. Perhaps all you want is someone who will listen. Maybe you want career guidance or advice. If others know what you need, they can support you in the ways that matter most.
  5. Make your health a priority. When you’ve lost your job, it can be all too easy to plop yourself on the couch and wallow in self-pity. But mental and emotional well being requires physical well being. Get outdoors, do yoga, go for a run, take your dog for a walk — and take care of yourself. Do what you need to do to shirk off any negative emotions that could potentially deter you from being proactive in your job hunt.
  6. Look for the silver lining. Use the time of a job loss to reflect on your life — both personally and professionally — and make a list of the things you enjoy doing. What are your priorities? What have you learned from this experience? Consider ways that you can apply what you’ve learned to chart a new, more satisfying course for your future.
  7. Get to work. Looking for a job is now your job. Update your resume. Polish up your LinkedIn profile. Reach out to former colleagues and let them know that you are looking for employment. And of course, network, network, network! New connections can create new opportunities and open doors in unexpected places, but it’s important to make your situation known.

General George S. Patton has said, Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable.” As you begin your job search, surround yourself with people you can count on for guidance and support. Reach out to others who have navigated their own successful job search and ask them for their advice. You may want to consider working with a career or life coach.

Losing your job is not the end of the world —it just sometimes might feel like it. But the right moves can help you bounce back quickly and confidently — and, quite possibly, enable you to land yourself a job that is even better than the one before.

Master Your Mannerisms: Can Your Body Language Win You the Job?

Master Your Mannerisms: Can Your Body Language Win You the Job?
Studies have shown that your body language communicates more to another person than what you say or the tone of your voice. This is particularly true when meeting a stranger. For this reason, how you carry yourself during a job interview can have a big effect on a hiring manager’s perceptions of you and ultimately, your chances of being hired.
Consider the following:

  • Nonverbal cues have over 4 times the impact on the impression you make than anything you say.
  • Many HR experts agree that body language literally accounts for 93% of messages you send out during the interview.
  • One study found that a first impression is based on 7% spoken words, 38% tone of voice and 55% body language.

Do those stats make you nervous? While most of us may not be aware of our body language—especially when we’re in a stressful situation—many job interviewers are trained to read it. Fortunately, body language is something you can learn to control.
Consider yourself an actor or actress in a play.
Imagine that you’ve been cast as an “job interview candidate.” Your script is the job description that you’ve applied for—and like all good actors and actresses, it’s important to study up and prepare for your role. Get to know your audience (AKA, your interviewers and other decision makers) by reviewing their LinkedIn profiles and bios. Learn more about your setting by reviewing the company website and press releases, as well as the products and services they provide.
Ultimately in this role, your goal is not to simply “get the job” as a result of this first meeting. Your aim is to build a rapport with your audience, sell yourself and your skills, and communicate to your audience why you are the winning candidate. This type of planning can really help to set the stage for a great interview. Preparing in advance can help to calm interview jitters, which in turn, improves body language during an interview.
Tips to Help You Project Confidence from the Start
Actors know that body language speaks volumes—and skilled ones know use it subtly to persuade the audience. Poses, postures, and positions—they all can say a lot about a character. Consider the following tips:

  • Clothes call. Dress professionally and in the style that is appropriate for the environment—act as though your belong there. Your clothing should fit properly and be comfortable. If you feel good about the way you look that will project positively during your interaction with others.
  • The eyes have it. Look your audience in the eyes, but remember there is a difference between good eye contact and a “stare down” or eyes that move rapidly between eye contact and throughout the room. A gaze that lasts longer than seven to 10 seconds can cause discomfort. Try to control over-blinking or any nervous tics and avoid looking down.
  • Shake it, don’t break it. A sincere, solid handshake (solid does not mean a bone-crusher grip) is generally a smart way to start an introduction. According to University of Manchester psychologist Geoffrey Beattie, “A handshake reveals aspects of the personality of the person giving it. For example, a soft handshake can indicate insecurity, whilst a quick-to-let-go handshake can suggest arrogance.”
  • Take a seat. Career professional have varying views, about how to hold your legs and feet or whether to sit a little forward or not. Personally, I advise sitting in a way that is most natural. You can’t go wrong by sitting up straight with your feet in front of you and with a comfortable posture. There may be times you may lean in during the conversation, based on the conversation and energy in the room.
  • Make your move. Consider the way you hold your hands and arms. Some gesturing is perfectly fine, but too much can be distracting. Avoid activities such as tapping your fingers, cracking knuckles, twirling pens or constant playing with your hair. As tempting as it may be, try not to cross your arms or place your hands in your pockets. Keeping your hands gently in your lap, by your side, on the arms of a chair, or lightly clasped are a few ways to keep hands and arms under control and on good behavior.
  • A smile goes along way. A well-placed smile helps to project confidence and warmth. It communicates that you are a team player and someone that others can be comfortable working with.
  • Don’t overthink it. At the end of the day, your goal is to look and appear comfortable. If it doesn’t feel natural, it probably won’t look natural either.

It may seem universally understood not to chew gum—or anything else for that matter—during an interview. Although it was a long time ago, the memory is still fresh in my mind when a candidate I was interviewing for a sales job greeted me with a fabulous handshake and followed it with what would have been an outstanding smile, had it not been for the wad of gum in his mouth!

The Job Interview: Eight Tips for Preparing to Answer Job Interview Questions

For most job candidates, the interview process can be pretty intimidating. It involves not only successfully communicating your value and experience, but also building rapport with your recruiter, the hiring manager, and any other decision makers you may come into contact with along the way. And the whole time you are supposed to appear comfortable, confident, and relaxed. That’s quite a task!

As a recruiter, I do my best to make job candidates feel at ease during job interviews. But I must admit, I am most drawn to those who are naturally self-assured and able to clearly articulate their abilities, accomplishments, strengths, and experience. In doing so, they quickly win my trust and interest.

As a career coach, I wear a different hat. I put a great deal of time and energy into preparing my clients to successfully navigate the interview process. While it may be the #1 step of the job seeking process that most people love to hate, an interview serves as a sign from a hiring company that you are strongly being considered for the role.

My advice? I believe one of the ways to build confidence is being able to answer interview questions in a manner that is clear, direct, and relevant. In preparing for you next job interview ¬— be it in person, over the phone, or online — consider the following tips:

  • Do your homework.
    Find out as much as you can about the job and the company beforehand. Read the job description. Review the company website. Take a look at where the company stands within the industry. Think carefully and objectively about how well you align with the job responsibilities, as well as how you might potentially fit in the company.
  • Create a conversation.
    While you may expect to be grilled, a good interview should feel less like an interrogation and more like a compelling conversation. Answer questions with an easy-to-listen tonality and rhythm in your voice. Show enthusiasm in sharing your accomplishments with your audience, as well as a genuine interest in learning more about the opportunity and the organization.
  • Provide examples.
    Be prepared to answer typical interview questions with a story about yourself. Cite specific examples of past work experience, activities, and accomplishments that demonstrate you have the right background for the job.
  • Play upon your strengths.
    Perhaps most important, be yourself and play up on your strengths. Know your weaknesses, but don’t get stuck on them. Talk candidly and briefly about any challenges you may have faced — as well as the steps you took to resolve them. Being able to demonstrate your ability to learn a new skill or task — or respond quickly to address an unexpected situation — can be helpful way to communicate your ability to adapt to change.
  • Use numbers.
    When appropriate, cite metrics. Did you implement a $20M+ enterprise resource planning (ERP) project across four national offices? Were you responsible for introducing 14 new products that ultimately doubled business growth in just four years? Maybe you implemented a solution that cut customer call waiting times in half? Find ways to weave numbers into your conversation. Being able to quantify your achievements can be a powerful way to create impact and be memorable.
  • Speak their language.
    Use keywords, action-oriented words and phrases that are common for the job and work environment you want. Try to identify situations where you and your interviewer might have shared experiences, interests and/or acquaintances. This can help to build trust in an interview.
  • Ask questions.
    Be sure to prepare a few good questions of your own. Curious about what markets the company may be planning to explore in the future? Want to know about your interviewer’s own experience with the company? Asking questions is a compelling way to demonstrate your interest, create a dialogue, and establish a bond with your interviewer.
  • Practice makes perfect.
    Consider what questions you anticipate your interview might ask. Think about your answers. You may want to ask a friend or family member to help you practice your responses. Not only will this help you structure your preparation, it will also provide you an opportunity to become more comfortable with giving answers, sharing examples, and using the appropriate terminology.

Finally, stay positive! Look at an interview on as an opportunity to communicate, share and learn. Taking the time to think about, talk about, and practice what you want to happen is a great way to enhance your chance of being invited for the next round of meetings.

Happy interviewing!

LinkedIn Invitations: To Accept or Not to Accept?

“Do I accept this LinkedIn invitation?” As a recruiter and career strategist, it’s a question I hear all of the time.

Should I accept an invite from that person who has been following me on Twitter? Or the person I regularly bump into at the gym? What about my boss’ girlfriend who sells tutus and tiaras online?

On the flip side, it can be just as trying to decide when it is appropriate to initiate the connection:

Is it okay to send an invite to Richard Branson? Should I connect with all of the people who work in my company, regardless of department or affiliation? Is it appropriate to connect with the manager who interviewed me for a job this morning?

The question of who to connect with can be puzzling, largely because LinkedIn serves a variety of purposes. It is a social media network, a public platform, and an incredible Rolodex file all in rolled up into one!

What do you want your LinkedIn profile to achieve?

When utilizing your LinkedIn profile, it’s important to consider how you want to build it over time and how it can be used to help you achieve your present — and future — professional goals.

Ask yourself the following:

  • Am I using my profile to build my clout in my current position and organization?
  • Do I hope to attract recruiters and hiring professionals who are using LinkedIn to recruit people with my background and talents?
  • Am I planning to reach out to recruiters as part of my own job search efforts?
  • Am I interested in growing my professional network and expanding my circle of influence in specific areas or industries?
  • Am I looking to secure a Board position or find volunteer opportunities that complement my personal and professional goals?
  • Am I interested in sharing my professional insights and opinions with the world at large in order to better position myself as a subject matter expert?
  • Am I interested in simply communicating that I understand the importance of having a strong online presence and participating in social media?

There are dozens of good, solid reasons to be on — and utilize — LinkedIn. Use your reasons for being on LinkedIn to guide you in deciding what types of invitations you will accept and send.

Accept? Or not to accept? That’s the question.

My advice? Be selective about which invitations you choose to accept. Aside from concerns about privacy or potential spam, you are also opening up your network and sharing your connections with another person — in some instances, a complete stranger. Plus, the quality of people you’re connected with can potentially send mixed messages about who you are as a professional.

Before accepting that LinkedIn invitation, consider the following factors:

  • Is this person someone I already know or have shared connections with?
  • Is this someone who is associated with a company, group, or accomplishment that I am interested in or admire?
  • Is the person’s profile content appropriate and professional?
  • Does the person have a professional picture posted online?
  • Is this person someone I am comfortably being professionally associated with?
  • How might we both mutually benefit from this connection?

Do they pass the favor test?

In a recent article published in Harvard Business Review, Alexandra Samuel, author of Work Smarter with LinkedIn suggests applying the “favor” test. Ask yourself, “Would I be willing to do a favor for this person or ask a favor of them?”

These favors go beyond simply accepting the invitation. Would you be willing to learn more about their company? Are you interested in attending one of their conferences? Would you feel comfortable asking them to introduce you to someone within their network? If so, make the connection.

“It’s the people you’d go out of your way to help or whom you trust to go out of their way to help you, however modestly, who pass the favor test,” she says.

When extending an invitation, apply the same thought process and consideration in deciding whom to reach out to. If you do decide to send an invitation to someone you don’t know well, avoid sending a simple, generic “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” It’s best to include a brief, one-to-two sentence personal message that explains your reason for reaching out.

LinkedIn is a powerful way to grow your network and connect with like-minded professionals, both nationally and worldwide. Whether you accept or extend an invitation, create your connections wisely. Choose quality over quantity. You’ll see how quickly that having the right connections can be a benefit in many ways.

Job Interviews: The Dos and Don’ts of Body Language

You’ve got great skills and experience, an awesome resume, and even references to prove it, but will your body language betray you in an interview? Whether it’s the inability to make eye contact, a limp handshake, or slouchy, sloppy posture, body language speaks so much louder than words and can kill your chances at convincing an employer you’re the right candidate for the job.

Have you heard the saying, “You never have a second chance to make a good first impression?” This is especially true when it comes job interviews. From the moment you walk in the door, say hello, and extend a handshake, your actions and demeanor are being analyzed and scrutinized by your potential employer. Your first impression will be made in about three to seven seconds.

Studies vary slightly, but it estimated that during a job interview about 93% of how you are judged is based on the tonality of your voice and body language. Hard to believe, but it’s true. Like it or not, you’re going to be quickly judged by your interviewer, so you need to make a favorable impression.

Does it sound like too much pressure? Relax! Here are a couple dos and don’ts to help keep your body language in check:

DO show confidence.

Confidence is very appealing and a must during any job interview. The way you stand and hold yourself, your eye contact and smile, the relaxed nature of your face — all say a lot about what you are feeling.
DON’T fidget.
Actions such as looking around the room, rocking back in your chair, twirling a strand of your hair, drumming your fingers or scratching your… well, anything! — all of these may communicate to your interviewer that you have trouble staying focused.

DO sit comfortably.

Sit up straight and lean slightly forward in your chair. This shows that you are engaged and interested in what you are talking about – be it the responsibilities of the job, or your interviewer’s perspective of the company. If you are comfortable with yourself during the interview, chances are in your favor that your interviewer will be comfortable with you.

DON’T sound too rehearsed.

While you do want to prepare and practice what you want to say during your interview, this isn’t a recital – it’s an interview! Be able to articulate clearly about your accomplishments and experience and how your background can bring value to the position.

DO act natural.

Maintain good eye contact and modulate your voice when you talk. Speak clearly, sound natural, and be conversational! If you’re a “hand talker,” go ahead and use them. Hand gesturing often works in people’s favor, but don’t overdo it. Too much gesturing (unless you are interviewing to be a puppeteer) could work against you.
Don’t cross your arms.
Crossed arms may communicate that you are unfriendly, unapproachable and disengaged. Instead, try pressing your fingers together in front of you to form a steeple suggests attentiveness and thought.

DO take notes.

Taking notes is acceptable, but don’t get buried in details. Take just enough to remind you of what has been discussed, not so much that you lose focus of the interview. Notes will help you remember important components of the interview that you may want to mention in your follow up thank you letter. And by all means, you DO want to send a follow up thank you letter within 24-48 hours of the interview.

And finally, do you best to show your earnest interest in the position and potential hiring organization. No matter how solid your skills for the role, recruiters and managers want to hire people that fit into their corporate culture and people everyone will enjoy working with. If hired, it’s your job to hold your own, produce excellent work, while working well as part of the team.

Good luck – and happy interviewing!

Why Hire a Search Firm? How Search Firms Take Recruiting to a “Hire” Level

Regardless of whether you are looking to fill one specific role or seeking to hire hundreds, the recruiting process is an important step toward growing your organization’s reputation, revenue and clout. From marketing and sales divisions to operations and general management, every department needs capable leaders who possess the:

  • Skills needed to help drive the organization’s success
  • Personality that meshes with the company’s culture and values
  • Ability to grow professionally within the organization

At Goldman Group Advantage we like to call it “SPA” for short.

Given the constantly shifting state of the economy and the rising popularity of social media, I’ve heard (and more than once!) some organizations claim they no longer need to (or can’t afford) to engage a headhunter or a search firm in their recruiting efforts. Then, after being deluged with resumes, overwhelmed by the screening process, and uncertain as to how to evaluate a candidate’s experience (not to mention ensuring all hiring practices and procedures are legally compliant, fair, and attractive to the job candidate) many of these companies soon change their minds.

Why? For a start, search firms make the recruiting process easier.

Let’s face it; finding top-level talent can be tough — and the cost of a bad hire can be HUGE. It can cost your firm time and money and its competitive edge in the marketplace. Conducting an executive search on your own can also distract your senior staff from operating and expanding the business as they sort through candidates in search of the “right” hires. Most of my clients feel that investing in the cost of a recruiter at the beginning pays for itself in the long run.

When you choose to engage and retain the services of an executive search firm, you are doing more than simply posting a job description and hoping the right person applies. You are making a commitment to find the absolute best person for the job — whoever and wherever he or she may be.

Most hiring companies that use executive search firms hire them for their knowledge, connections and can-do attitude.  The search firm is tasked with recruiting and screening key talent through traditional and social methods, all the while guaranteeing that the handpicked candidates meet the requirements and culture fit of the organization. Search firms can assist in extending an offer, communicating with the candidate up until the start date and more. It’s not uncommon that we are called upon to assist with any on-boarding requests and requirements our client may have.

So what are some of the benefits of hiring a search firm to assist you in your recruiting efforts? Here are a few I’ve heard repeatedly from my clients:

  • We customize our service to fit your needs. The best search firms take the time to understand your business goals as well as the type of talent you are seeking to attract. Working with our clients, we develop tailored recruiting strategies that generate the hard to find candidates you seek.
  • We can achieve better results in less time. Defining the job description, posting the opportunity, reviewing resumes, screening candidates, scheduling interviews, following up with candidates — recruiting new talent takes up a lot of valuable time! When you engage a search firm, we dedicate our time and resources to you. We have a methodology and processes in place that enable us to perform more efficiently and excel at high levels — and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.
  • We know how to keep things quiet. At the core of every search is confidentiality to both our clients and our candidates. Professional search firms are committed to handling all searches with the highest regard of discretion and responsibility throughout all forms communications. As a representative of the employer, we help prevent your competition from becoming aware of any open positions or staffing issues, and as a result gain any leverage or a competitive advantage.
  • We network like never before. Established recruiters have deep networks — in our industries and in our lines of expertise. We know where the talent is and where to find it. We are often bring to light candidates that might not be otherwise identifiable in the market – someone who may not be actively looking for a new job and may not respond to your job post.
  • We are social (online and off). More than sifting through resumes or viewing LinkedIn profiles, smart recruiters are there in the trenches — attending meetings, conferences and any place that we can interact with and get in front of the talent we aim to recruit for our clients.
  • We can spot best behaviors. Effective executive search consultants understand and are experts at using behavioral interviewing techniques to help bring to light a candidate’s past experiences, how they react in specific situations, and how it all relates to the competencies of the position. Why is this important? We recognize (as most of our clients do, too!) the best predictor of a person’s future performance can be determined by looking at their past.

Like most relationships, the most fruitful search firm partnerships are founded on trust, open communication, and a commitment from each party. By cultivating a true partnership with a recruiter or search firm, you can consistently and reliably attract, hire, and retain the best talent in your industry.


The Long and Short of It: What is the Difference Between a Resume and a CV

The words  “resume” and “curriculum vitae” are often used interchangeably. They are both used in job applications and share the same intent — to communicate an individual’s professional background, accomplishments and experience. However, in the world of human resources they are not the same thing. Key differences between the two are length, how they present the facts and the inclusion (or absence) of personal information.

Resume, CV … what’s the difference?

A resume is typically shorter than a CV. It’s a summary that provides a snapshot of a person’s education, work history, relevant skills, and professionals accomplishment. It’s not uncommon to re-organize your resume — or even create several versions — so that it is relevant to the position you are applying for or better reflects the perspective of a company you’re interested in working with.

A curriculum vitae (CV), on the other hand, is typically longer and bears all of your information. It includes every detail of education, employment, achievements, any publications you’ve written for or have been featured in, speaking engagements, affiliations, special training and seminars, volunteer work, etc. Because of its breadth, it’s not uncommon for a CV to be 6-8 pages.

“In the United States, the biggest difference between a CV and a resume is structure,” says Master Resume Writer, Debbie Ellis of the Phoenix Group. “Typically required for medical practitioners and academics, a U.S. CV – when written correctly- follows a very specific, defined order of presentation that, by nature, tends to be quite long. A resume, on the other hand, is a more informal marketing tool that can be written in as many ways as there are writers. It can include anything you want, and be long or short, depending on the mood of the market.”

Which one do I need?

In the United States, most hiring companies will ask for a resume. A CV is often used when applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions. They are also relevant when applying for fellowship or grants. CVs are much more commonly requested in Europe, the Middle East, Africa or Asia.

What information do I include?

In the United States it is not customary to include personal information such as age, race, religious affiliation and marital status. In fact, in an effort to ensure fairness in assessing and reviewing candidates, including such information is generally discouraged. Professional? Yes. Personal? No thank you. As Oprah Winfrey might say… it’s TMI (too much information)!

However, in many foreign countries, the exact opposite is true. It IS customary to include personal information on a CV and can sometimes be your global golden ticket to landing a job. Examples could be your photograph, age, place of birth, personal hobbies and marital status. Yes, that’s right…I did say photograph, age and marital status!

Keep in mind that other countries are not bound to the same Equal Opportunity Employment (EOE) laws we have in the United States.

If you are a candidate applying for international positions, be sure to do your homework and tune in to what hiring companies expect in that country.  You will want to research whether it is best to apply using a resume or CV, what format it should take and what kind of personal information to include.

One of my favorite resources for country specific career and employment  information is Mary Ann Thompson’s The Global Resume and CV Guide. It covers over 40 countries and includes job sources, Internet sites, work permit and visa requirements, and more. She also has an information-rich website,

Have questions or a comment? Please post them below. I’d love to hear from you!


Introduction from Executive Recruiter / Career Coach Shelly Goldman

Hello! I’m Shelly Goldman, the Founder of Goldman Group Advantage. An executive recruiter and career coach, I specialize in delivering customized and personal client services that take professionals to a “hire” level. Since 1989, I have had the privilege of helping hundreds of businesses and thousands of professionals achieve success and satisfaction at work. I am passionate about my work and embrace opportunities to help others find personal and professional inspiration in everything they do.

In conjunction with launching our new website, I am excited to announce that Goldman Group Advantage will now be blogging! Whether you want guidance and insight to landing a career that you love, or advice on hiring the right talent for your company, here you’ll find job search strategies, career coaching advice, and executive recruiting solutions that work in harmony with your business, your ambitions, and your life.

Each week, we’ll post a new timely topic that is relevant to the job search, employment, hiring, and recruiting trends happening in our world today. Our goal is to provide an array of useful information and news you can use to grow your business, advance your career, and make the most of today’s employment technologies and resources.

  • Career-minded professionals will find all kinds of advice ranging from how to use social media to positively impact your job search to how to effectively prepare for a virtual interview to how to develop your personal and professional brand.
  • Hiring companies and human resource departments can benefit from information such as how to work with recruiters, ideas on promoting diversity in the workplace, and tips for onboarding new executives.

New posts will be added weekly. If you’d like to receive an email notifying you of when we post a new article, please be sure to subscribe.

And of course, your feedback, questions, and comments are always welcome! Whether you choose to post a comment here or contact me directly at, I strongly encourage you to get in touch and share with me your experiences, opinions, and ideas.  You can also find me on Twitter at CareerInHarmony.